Private Equity focused on making fast and smart investments.
Generating value since 2016
Since 2016, South Capital has been investing in and building companies alongside remarkable entrepreneurs in Brazil's real economy and tech-enabled space. By investing selectively with a Private Equity-like diligence, we work closely with our invested companies, providing execution capabilities and added value, positioning ourselves as the premier partner for Brazil's emerging and fast-growing middle-market companies.

Quality meets speed
At South Capital, we prove that quality and speed can coexist. By marrying meticulous diligence with agile execution, we accelerate success without compromising excellence.

Beating the market is a premise
Beating the market isn't just a goal, it's a premise at South Capital. Our strategic, quality-driven investments are crafted to not only navigate market fluctuations, but to outpace them, setting a new standard of growth and success.


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Rua Helena, 260 – 1º Andar
Vila Olimpia – CEP: 04552-050
See map
+1 (786) 852 7477 +55 (11) 98907 5704